46th Congress of the French Society of Neuroendocrinology – France-Canada Joint Congress
From 16 to 19 September 2024
From Monday 16 to Thursday 19 September 2024.
Fifteen years after the Société de Neuroendocrinologie's last symposium in Nice, we are delighted to welcome more than 150 scientists of several nationalities to the Côte d'Azur for this France-Canada symposium at the Hôtel Saint Paul.
The symposium will take place over 3 days, with a scientific programme that will include plenty of opportunities for young and old alike to take stock of the latest discoveries and discuss the major issues facing neuroendocrinology.
The scientific programme drawn up by the SNE's Scientific Council will include plenary lectures by leading specialists on topical issues in neuroendocrinology (metabolism, stress, reproduction, circadian rhythms, etc.), symposia on recent advances in our discipline and oral and poster sessions dedicated mainly to young researchers.
An SNE prize, a thesis prize and travel grants will be awarded at the event thanks to the support of the Fondation Obélisque/Fondation de France (https://www.fondationdefrance.org/fr/annuaire-des-fondations/fondation-obelisque).
We will be delighted to welcome the neuroendocrinology community to this scientific event, which we are sure will be beneficial both for the reputation of neuroendocrinology and for scientific exchanges between specialists in the field. The 'General Public' lecture will be given on the first evening of the conference at the Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen by Dr Jean-Louis Nahon, Director of Research Emeritus at the CNRS, to introduce the public to the research being carried out in one of the world's leading laboratories, the Institut de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire in Sophia Antipolis.
We will also be highlighting the heritage, traditions and folklore of the Alpes Maritimes department, with an afternoon of activities (visit to the Lazaret cave in Nice, guided tour of old Nice, SENSAS sensory experience, etc.) and a gala dinner on the last evening of the conference at the Citadelle Saint-Elme in Villefranche-sur-Mer, a historic monument on the Côte d'Azur, where the folk group Nice la Belle will be performing.
FR/EN website: https://www.sne2024nice.com - Mobile version via the QRcode on the poster.