Apprivoiser la mer – Les animaux marins dans le quotidien et l’imaginaire des sociétés égéennes de l’Antiquité
11 December 2025
Thursday 11 December 2025 at 6.30 pm.
Conference led by Tatiana Theodoropoulou, CNRS research officer, Cultures and Environments, Prehistory, Antiquity, Middle Ages.
The sea is an omnipresent element in the Mediterranean landscape, divided between steep mountains, fertile plains, and coasts wetted by waves. The Aegean archipelago constitutes a characteristic case of this Mediterranean world half-terrestrial, half-marine. The archaeological, historical and ethnographic records in the Aegean Sea testify to the double identity of the populations who lived around the sea; these are the peoples that Strabo called "amphibians", people who are attached to both the land and the sea. This presentation aims to offer an overview of the relationship of the peoples who lived around the Aegean Sea with the marine environment, and more precisely with marine animals, in Antiquity. We will use the material witnesses of the past, archaeological, textual and iconographic, enriched by tools recently provided by the sciences applied to archaeology.