Zip line – La Colmiane

At La Colmiane, it’s 100% adrenaline with the zip line, which has two lengths totalling 2,660 metres. On the longer stretch, you’ll zip 1.8km over the lakes at a top speed of 130km/h!

I took advantage of a visit from my cousins to try out France’s longest zip line as a family. We booked online, and it couldn’t have been easier, using a very well-designed booking centre.

There were several of us, adults as well as children, and I opted to fly as a duo with my son (150kg maximum in total and no more than 40kg difference in weight between the two of us). We met the conditions!

To start with, we took the chairlift up to the starting point of the zip line. It was a great way to get in the mood and discover the landscape of La Colmiane resort.

Once up there, we headed to the hut to get our equipment and check our weights on the scales. Hairnet, harness, helmet and a sort of apron to hold the zip line attachments. Quite a lot of gear, and we had a good laugh when we saw our heads harnessed up like that.

Then we’re directed to the departure platform, where we can watch the people in front of us take off. The pressure was mounting and I was getting a little apprehensive. The starting position is lying down, suspended by our tether. I’m next to my son, as we’ve chosen to fly as a duo, arm in arm.

There was no time to think too much as the instructor explained how the descent was going to work and gave us positional instructions, our feet braced on the bar to maintain the prone position.

As well as helmets, we’ve been fitted with masks so that we can enjoy the scenery without being bothered by the air and the little insects that could get into our eyes at the crazy speed of 130 km/hour we have to reach.

And off we go, smiling but a little tense!

The first section gives you a real feeling of being in the sky, and once you’ve got over your fear, you’re happy to take in the magnificent panorama. You can see the little people below, the chairlift and a lake. It’s as if I’m in a dream and I’m exhilarated by the speed. We’re so high up and the air seems to be carrying us.

When you reach the end of the first section, it’s really impressive. You can see the finishing station approaching very quickly, and I’ve got time to think to myself, but my God, how are we going to stop? A speed bump and the elasticity of the cable allowed us to land safely.

In two minutes, we move on to the second zip line, which is shorter but at least as impressive in terms of speed and sensations. Because we’re a little lower up, the sensations are tenfold. It’s more like going at top speed.

It was really great, my son loved it as much as I did, and he can’t wait to do it again solo.

I’ll definitely be going back this summer, and I’m not about to get bored of it. I’ve never experienced such a feeling of freedom in flight, like an eagle soaring over the peaks.

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Assistant Director of Marketing and Communication at the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau