Lou Camin Nissart

Want to discover Nice in a different way? Lou Camin Nissart, a long-distance hiking trail, allows you to explore the hills surrounding the city of Nice.

Lou Camin Nissart is a new Grande Randonnée route initiated by the Fédération Française de Randonnée des Alpes Maritimes.

Following this itinerary, you will go from hill to hill on a marked circuit that totals 42 kilometres, to be covered at your own pace, in one go or in small sections!

From Place Garibaldi, you will head towards the Port of Nice to discover Mont Alban, Mont Vinaigrier, Cimiez, and the communes of Gairaut, Saint Pancrace and Saint Roman de Bellet.

The tour of Nice on the hills of Nice will end at the foot of the city on the Promenade des Anglais.

The circuit allows you to pass by many points of interest.  Magnificent views, monuments and important buildings in Nice, places marked by battles and by the passage of historical personalities… everything is organised so that you discover Nice and its history throughout the walk.

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