Quai of Admiral Courbet
In 1989, following a subscription amongst the local people, a bust of the artist was created by the Niçois sculptor Cyril Nice Patellière to mark the centenary of Cocteau's birth.
This bust of 'friend Jean', depicted with chiselled features, was erected on the quays of Villefranche next to the fishermen's chapel now best known as the 'Cocteau chapel'.
Jean Cocteau was born 5 July 1889 and died on 11 October 1963. A French artist of many talents - poet, graphic artist, draughtsman, playwright, and also a film director.
Jean Cocteau was born July 5, 1889 and died October 11, 1963. French artist of many talents: poet, graphic artist, cartoonist, playwright, but also a filmmaker.
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