Conférénce de l’Aron : Les Héroïnes Des Opérettes


21 September 2024

Saturday 21 September 2024 at 3 pm.

Plunge into the heart of operettas and discover the heroines who have captivated generations at an original ARON conference led by its president Melcha Coder.

ARON (Association pour le Rayonnement de l'Opéra de Nice) is the cultural arm of the City of Nice, working to promote the Nice Côte d'Azur Opera's programme. ARON enables its ever-growing membership to benefit from reduced-price tickets (-15%) for operas, concerts and ballets. In addition, Melcha Coder, President of ARON, organises a number of meetings and cultural events in the Opera's Caballé foyer, where members can enjoy a light buffet and meet other members.

  • Opéra Nice Côte d'Azur
    4/6 rue Saint-François de Paule
    06300 Nice

  • Free of charge.

  • 04 92 17 40 79

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