A whole network of mule paths, supported by an extensive infrastructure, links the village of Utelle, perched at an altitude of 800 m, with its different hamlets: Saint-Jean-la-Rivière, L’Imberguet, La Villette, Le Chaudan, Le Reveston, Le Figaret and Les Granges de la Brasque, to the very north of this commune with stretches from Pont Durandy (143 m) at the mouth of the Vésubie as far as the summit of Mont Tournairet (2 086 m).It is here, at the charming hamlet of Cros d’Utelle, that the route begins, on which you can admire the talents of our forbears, who forged a wide path with its paving still intact on certain stretches. From the church of Cros d’Utelle, surrounded by well kept olive trees, to the typical alleyways of the village of Utelle, via the charming Chapelle Saint-Antoine, the gorges of the Vésubie dominate the whole length of this deep route,, with the Haute Gordolasque acting as a watermark.