Que nous apprennent les métiers de l'archéologie ? Accès sécurisé dans la grotte Le parc aux abords de la grotte A la rencontre des Néandertaliens

Grotte du Lazaret

Located at the foot of Mont Boron, the Grotte du Lazaret traces 70,000 years of human evolution in Nice. A site to visit to immerse yourself in the prehistoric era

In Nice, the Grotte du Lazaret opens its doors to visitors who wish to discover humanity's ancient history. Inside are remnants from prehistory which trace the evolution of humans who chose to live here between 190,000 and 120,000 years ago. For more than a century, excavations have brought hundreds of thousands of objects to the surface. Among them, human bones as well as animal remains such as those of panthers and deer, showing traces of cutting, which are thus evidence of human intervention. In total, 29 distinct archaeological levels have been identified there.
A visit is exceptional, like an invitation to travel through time across the centuries. Once inside, visitors love to imagine how their ancestors lived at this time. To soak up even more, an exhibition hall adjacent to the cave is dedicated to archaeological work. The Grotte du Lazaret has been registered as a Historic Monument since 1963.

  • Offre Famille

    Des activités à partager en famille sont proposées pendant les vacances scolaires : initiation à la fouille archéologique, parcours commentée de l'évolution de l'homme, découverte de l'environnement de l'homme du Lazaret vers -160 000 ans ... planning à consulter sur le site internet.

Adapted tourism

  • Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs


Free of charge. Free access to the cave from Wednesday to Sunday from 12h to 14h. Free access to the outdoor site and temporary exhibition. Paid guided tours.

Accepted payment methods

  • Bank checks
  • Credit card payment
  • Cash
  • Holiday vouchers

Opening periods

From 01/06 to 30/09
Opening hours on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday between 10 am and 6 pm.
Closed Monday and Tuesday.

From 01/10 to 31/05
Opening hours on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday between 10 am and 5 pm.
Closed Monday and Tuesday.
Closed exceptionally on May 1st and December 25th.


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